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Bethel Island Area - Water Quality

Background: The District has been granted Technical Assistance from the State to conduct feasibility studies for possible consolidation.  The initial kick off meeting was held on November 10, 2021.  The first public outreach meeting was held on April 14, 2022.

All updates and documentation regarding the status of this project will be found on this page.

Updated July 12, 2024

  • A virtual Public Outreach Meeting was held on Thursday, July 11, 2024, to discuss the Milestone Update for the Feasibility Study regarding a potential voluntary opportunity for small water systems to connect with Diablo Water District. During the meeting, participants had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in the process.


Next steps for eligible water systems include providing a Letter of Intent for the Feasibility Study to RCAC by August 31, 2024. Please submit a signed Letter of Intent to Patrick Henderson, RCAC, at This is NOT a commitment to consolidate, but to participate in the feasibility study.


Resources from the meeting include:

Letter of Intent Template for Feasibility Study

Project Milestone Update Presentation

Meeting Minutes (coming soon)

Meeting Video (coming soon)

Current Water Rates and Resources

Monthly Service Charge Discount Eligibility


If you would like to receive an email notification for future meetings, please contact Kait Knight at


How come Beaconwest has DWD water?

Beaconwest was connected under emergency for arsenic exceedances that increased to the point that action needed to be taken; customers had to pay for the emergency pipeline, since no grant funding was available to them at the time.

Why is Bethel Island not already in DWD’s Sphere of Influence (SOI), but Delta Coves is?

The SOI is regulated by LAFCO. The District’s SOI was amended to include Delta Coves as their wells were unable to meet drinking water standards. The CVP allocates some of our water, and there is a federal inclusion process to annex parcels that takes about a year.

Why is my water on Bethel Island degrading after the past 25 years of use?

Factors such as high groundwater, septic systems, aging infrastructure, and changes in regulatory levels have caused degradation of water quality.

How will each decision to participate or not be made by each water system? What if we do not want to consolidate?

Each water mutual/private well owner will have to make that decision themselves. Each mutual’s bylaws for voting will determine if they opt in or out. If a group does not participate in the consolidation project, they will need an action plan to resolve the primary exceedances and correct their water quality issues, which will be enforced by the County.

Anyone needing free assistance with their bylaws can contact Toby Roy at

Are we going to be assessed on our taxes?

For this grant, the District is pushing for 100% grant funding. Anyone can opt out, but with the study, you are going to get more information about your water system. We want the community to be informed before making a decision. The feasibility study will be 100% grant-funded.

What will be the anticipated costs for each homeowner?  What parts of construction would they be responsible for?

For this grant, the District is pushing for 100% grant funding. Currently, the grant does not cover the back of the meter to the home.

I’ve heard rumors that this could possibly cost each person $10k- is that true?

In the past, there have been issues with grant funding not covering everything.  The District is trying to get both projects to be 100% grant-funded, but there is no guarantee until a contract with the State is signed. The District is working to expedite the grant. We encourage mutuals and well owners to remain involved in the process to learn what costs will be covered.

What are DWD’s monthly water fees?

DWD has the lowest water rates in the area. Fees pay for everything- replacing main and meters etc. A typical residential account has a monthly service charge for a 5/8” meter, while water rates are charged per cubic foot (748 gallons). There are also conservation programs and rebates available, as well as income-based discounts on the monthly service charge. For details on current rates, please click here.

What is the current status of the project?

 The grant application is currently complete. The State Water Board has stated that it could take 9 months to review the application and enter into a grant agreement with DWD. The planning under the grant would be similar to the planning for the Sandmound project with completion of a Preliminary Engineering Report, plans and specifications, preparation of environmental compliance documents and a construction grant application. Construction for this project could potentially commence around 2028.


Previously Held Meetings

  • The second Public Outreach Meeting was held on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at Scout Hall in Bethel Island.  The public was invited to come engage, ask questions, and provide input about the potential voluntary opportunity for small water systems to connect with Diablo Water District. Click here to access the minutes for this meeting.


  • The first Public Outreach Meeting was held on Thursday, April 14, 2022, at Scout Hall in Bethel Island.  The public was invited to come engage, ask questions, and provide input about the potential voluntary opportunity for small water systems to connect with Diablo Water District. Learn about the process, current state funding sources, and future benefits.  The next outreach meeting will be held in late Summer 2022.  Click here to access the minutes for this meeting.


  • A Special Board Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 10, 2021. This was an introductory two-way dialogue regarding state-funding and voluntary consolidation opportunities for stakeholders of Bethel Island and Sandmound Areas. Please visit our Board Agendas and Minutes page for more information.


  • A Special Board Meeting was held on Monday, May 10, 2021 where the greater Sandmound Rd area water quality and community water systems update and discussion took place. Please visit our Board Agendas and Minutes page for more information.